Keep Your Pet Safe and Protected During the Winter

Keep Your Pet Safe and Protected During the Winter

Pet Care Tips to Bear in Mind to Keep Your Dog Protected

As the winter kicks in and the mercury takes a dip, the chill in the breeze takes an upward swing. Many of us might have a soft spot for the cold months, but it’s unbearable to our four-legged companions. Most of the pet animals i.e. dog, cat, etc. cannot bear excruciatingly cold weather and do tend to fall sick frequently. There are veterinarians galore in Kolkata, but you must take ample care of your furry friends so they stay healthy all through the cold season. Wondering how to care for your pets in winter? Read the following write-up to quench your inquisition –

  • Restrict Outdoor Activities

Whether it’s a cat, dog, rabbit or bird, every pet feels uncomfortable amidst too much cold. Unless you want your pet to fall sick or catch a cold, you should keep them indoors. Just like our beloved pet animals, the stray animals, too, struggle to cope with a cold climate. To lessen their suffering, the least that you can do is to allow them to take shelter at your garage, garden or under the shed of your door-gate.

  • Use Winter Clothes for Your Pets

In the winter, it’s impossible to step out of home without wrapping up in a sweater, jacket or a comfy woolen ensemble. Just like us, our furry companions tend to tremble and wheeze in cold as well. Stock up on enough pet clothes to keep them warm. There are a legion of pet shops that offer the finest winter apparel and accessories for pet animals. While buying winter clothes for your pet, pick the right size always.

  • Don’t Shave a Pet’s Fur

Most of the pet animals i.e. dogs, cats, etc. are blessed with thick furs on all over their bodies. Besides adding to their beauty, such thick coats keep their body warm naturally. This is the reason why you must refrain from shaving off their fur in the winter. During the cold months, you should refrain from bathing your pet frequently. Use lukewarm water every time you take your pet for a bath. Give its coat ample time to dry out prior to taking it outdoors.

  • Keep Dehydration at Bay

Almost every pet animal tends to feel less thirsty during the winter. But, this does not mean that they don’t need to drink water in the cold season. Lack of water intake can lead your pet animals to get dehydrated easily. It’s advisable to encourage them to drink adequately so they don’t end up falling ill. Try to involve them in different activities or games so they feel exhausted and drink water more often.

  • Ensure Its Overall Wellbeing

Pets that are prone to fever, cough, and arthritis have a rough time during the cold months. To keep your pooch healthy, pay close attention to its daily workout routine. Instead of allowing it to huddle down at the corner of your room, involve it in some activities like playing, jumping, running, etc. If need be, consult an experienced veterinarian for medications and other health supplements for your pet.

Searching a trusted vet near you? Let Haarway seal the deal on your behalf. This famous business listing platform will help you find the best vet as per your needs and preference.



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